Domain Service

We already maintain thousands of domains for our customers and would like to sort out your domain management as well.

Most of the time the domains are scattered amongst different providers and the overview is missing.

If a management of domains by us is desired we collect all your domains as "registrar". We take over all the management tasks for you and take care of a timely renewal of the domains.

All without additional costs of course - you only pay the normal yearly fee for the domain period.

Our service in the field of Domain service for you

  • Domain registration
  • Domain trade (via trust platforms, purchase and sale of domain names)
  • Domain takeover
  • More than 1.000 Top Level Domains
  • Nameserver / DNS Service
  • Domain changes (owner change, handle updates etc.)
  • Trustee Service
  • Application for Sunrise or Landrush period
  • many more... 

We offer discounts for reseller

+43 512 206567 914